Agents for

Foundry Machineries - DISA INDIA LTD
Skid steer and wheel Barrow - BULL MACHINES
Resin coated sand Spl application - SAMARTH FOUNDRY
Felting Automation - LIANCO TECHNOLOGIES

DISA India Ltd., Bangalore

Authorised Agent for DISA India Ltd. - a leading foundry equipment manufacturers with advanced foundry and surface preparation process technology, headquartered at Bangalore

BULL Machines (P) Ltd., Coimbatore

Authorised agents for Bull Machines - for selling their bull barrow with hydraulic dumping option and bull skid for material movements in industries.

MP Cranes, Ahmedabad

Authorised agents for MP Cranes - for selling their customized cranes in foundry industries.

Elgi Equipment Ltd, Coimbatore

Authorised agents for Elgi Equipment Ltd - who is a complete compressed air solution provider with 400+ air compressor products to meet the industrial requirements.

Samarth Metallurgicals, Kolhapur

Authorised agents for Samarth Metallurgicals - who is a leading supplier of resin coated sand mold and core for critical applications.

Lianco Technologies, UK

Authorised agents for Lianco Technologies - who offers automated grinding solutions to improve product quality, reduce production cost, maximize operational efficiency, and protect operation safety.